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Successful introduction of automatic scheduling

How do I improve the efficiency of my service?

Automatic scheduling software helps you to make perfect use of your resources, optimize your processes and increase your customer satisfaction.

Find out how easy it is to use in our latest white paper. Download now.

GMS Scheduling Whitepaper
Best practices from 20 years of implementation experience

The Scheduling Whitepaper

Scheduling management is the central hub in service. This function regulates the automatic scheduling of technicians while simultaneously optimizing their tours. Dispatchers simply control technician assignments via a planning board. All parties involved in the service, such as call center employees or the customer themselves, can also book technician appointments independently.

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Intelligent capacity planning

In addition to operational control, the module provides dispatchers with useful tools to optimize the utilization of technicians. Capacity planning can be used to manage individual technicians or entire teams in the short, medium and long term – regardless of whether they are deployed for maintenance or to provide capacity for reactive fault clearance.