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Contract Management

Increase the profitability of your service contracts

Service1 Contract Management feature enables easy maintenance of all your service-relevant contract details for various models.

Das Vertragsmanagement von Service1
Offer your customers tailor-made service contracts

Contract Management in Service1

Service1’s Contract Management allows all service-relevant contract details for different models, such as Pay-Per-Use, Extended Warranty or scheduled maintenance, to be maintained and depicted in the service process. The module also supports contracts with various clients and sub-contractors.

Contract Management mit Service1
Delivery as ordered with Service1

Contract conditions at a glance

Many service providers manage their customer contracts in ERP systems, but effective control of the services agreed in the contract is not possible without a large quantity of other data that is not normally stored in the ERP system. The Service1 Contract Management module incorporates all contractual conditions such as validity period, cancellation regulations and billing, or can adopt them from the ERP. Other data related to service provision can also be stored here – such as time windows and service level for error repairs – as well as maintenance intervals, time slots and maintenance-related documents.

The Conditions Management feature gives everyone involved in the service process all the relevant information for the respective order, including service level and services that are not covered by the contract.

Your Advantages

Let us show you how easy it can be.

Automatic maintenance scheduling

Service1 turns clever planning and scheduling of recurring assignments, such as maintenance or inspections, into a simple exercise. The basis for the fully automatic process is the display of all parameters that are necessary for maintenance scheduling. These can, for example, include addresses, maintenance frequency, maintenance time slots, the materials required, maintenance duration and the installed base.

Usage-based maintenance initiated by Smart IoT Events can also be automated. The respective customers are automatically notified of assignments that have been optimized on this basis by Scheduling Management. If the proposed appointment is not convenient, customers can postpone it or request a new appointment proposal. In all cases, the agreed time slots are always factored in.

In addition, all services provided on-site are recorded and displayed in the maintenance contract.

Advantages for you

Field Service Mitarbeiter mit Tablet
We offer service organizations an efficient solution

Easy contract billing

Service1’s contract billing feature covers the cyclical billing of contracts, while the financial process always remains in the customer’s ERP system. Depending on contract terms and conditions, billing may take place on a yearly, monthly or quarterly basis, or in accordance with an individual arrangement. The related documents are generated automatically and can be grouped together for contracts or customers. The documents are then automatically transferred to the ERP system for billing. Unpaid invoices automatically trigger the suspension of service provision. It is also possible to display price increases or profitability evaluation.


Smart management of contracts

Client Contracts

Service providers who provide services for end customers on behalf of multiple manufacturers must be able to depict the contractual relationship of each manufacturer with his respective end customer. Within Service1 Contract Management, the Client Contracts module ensures that all conditions are depicted, and client-specific service processes and documentation requirements complied with.


Constant access to all important data

Partner contracts

When services are provided to customers, sub-contractors or partners are often called in to provide various services. Each of these partner companies has its own individual conditions for service provision, such as a flat-rate travel allowance or offshore island surcharges. As a way of automating accounting that involves these partners and facilitating precise internal cost allocation, Service1 Contract Management registers all the relevant details. By generating automatic reports, Contract Management also controls monthly accounting with the sub-contractors.
